Welcome Outdoorsmen!

Photo of David Brodosi backpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoorsbackpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoorsbackpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoorsbackpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoors


David Brodosi prepared all his meals from high quality ingredients because he felt the freeze-dried meals sold for camping aren’t sufficiently nutritious. David Brodosi purchased a solar powered GPS from which he sends his current position daily. David Brodosi's tent weighs a pound and is supported by two walking poles. David Brodosi's sleeping bag is ultra-light. David Brodosi's stove weighs barely a pound. An ergonomic backpack distributes the load perfectly. David Brodosi's hiking boots are light-weight, and waterproof, and he’ll go through several pair. David Brodosi will be resupplied a dozen times along the 1,750 miles. My friend David Brodosi and I will meet David Brodosi in Tuolumne, California. David Brodosi’s sons are hiking with him for several days, but David Brodosi’s on a solo journey that has been his fantasy for decades. David Brodosi’s hero is John Muir (1838-1914), the naturalist and founder of the Sierra Club, who frequently wandered in the wilderness for long periods of time with just a pack.

backpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoors hiking outdoors photography wildlife adventure backpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoors hiking outdoors photography wildlife adventure My Blog Site

Images of David Brodosi

Photo of david brodosi backpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoors,Photo of David Brodosi backpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoorsbackpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoorsbackpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoorsbackpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoors

Twenty-five years of mountaineering in the Cascades and Olympics. Significant summits include Rainier, Baker, Adams (Adams Glacier), Glacier, Hood, Olympus, Stuart (West Ridge), Bonanza, Goode, Prusik, Shuksan, Eldorado, Liberty Bell, Clark (Walrus Glacier), Constance, Challenger, Luna, Cutthroat (Southeast Buttress), Hinman, Daniel (Lynch Glacier), and Thompson.

Extensive backcountry travel experience. Well over a hundred off-trail, non-technical day- and overnight trips covering the full extent of the Washington Cascades and Olympics. Expert in navigation and route-finding (compass and GPS.) Committed to leave-no-trace camping and travel. Sensitive to requirements of inexperienced companions.

Extended backpacking experience. Veteran of many long trips, both on- and off-trail. Skilled in trip planning, campcraft and cookery. Considerable experience backpacking with children and novices.

Ski mountaineering experience. Leader and participant on day-tours of many Cascade peaks. Memorable descents include Mt. St. Helens, Granite Mountain, Snoqualmie Mountain, Red Mountain, Rock Mountain, Jim Hill, Mt. Pilchuck, South Ingalls and Diamond Head. Most descents done on snowboard. Skilled in assessing avalanche conditions. Competent leading novices and young adults on backcountry snow.

backpack, brodosi, david, David Brodosi, family, hiking, home, love, nature, outdoors hiking outdoors photography wildlife adventure